Prayer Covenant

This is an essential part of the the Prayer Team Ministry. Please read carefully, sign and date below.
As a part of The Tabernacle Prayer Ministry I agree to:

1. Pray immediately for a prayer request when I receive it.

2. If a member of the Facebook prayer group, please ‘like’ the request to indicate you have received it and are praying.

3. Keep all prayer ministry information confidential.

4. I will not share prayer information outside the chain.

5. I will not share prayer information with my spouse.

6. I will not try to guess the identity of the people in the request, respecting their right to privacy and knowing that I can trust God to know all the details. (Romans 8:26)

7. I will remember that prayer is a privilege and directly accessing the throne of God and I respond with love and respect for the King of Heaven and His people. (Rev 8:3-4)

8. I will initiate all prayer requests thru the prayer ministry and not start my own requests on the chain.

9. I will not put myself or others in danger by accessing requests while I am driving. (Luke 6:31)

By typing your name and date below you are placing a digital signature on this form



This is an essential part of the the Prayer Team Ministry. Please read carefully, sign and date below.